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Bare Trees Primary School

Marvellous Me and Autumn

The children have settled in Nursery really well. Take a look at how much fun we've been having these first few weeks.





The story 'The Gingerbread Man' is this half term's Talk for Writing story. The children enjoyed hearing the tale and participating in the repeated refrains. At home, watch the story unfold together. 

The Gingerbread Man Vocabulary

The Gingerbread Man

In Maths we are looking at pattern this half term. This week we read the story 'My Mum and Dad make me laugh.' Can you spot any patterns?


My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh

Take a look at some of the drawings the children did this week of themselves.



We had a go at making an ABAB pattern. Look at the patterns we made during maths this week. 


