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Welcome To

Bare Trees Primary School

Summer 2

Week 4

Year 5 had an enriching day at the Regional Science Centre in Oldham! The visit was a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to delve deeper into their science topic of materials and their properties. They explored the fascinating concepts of reversible and irreversible changes through hands-on experiments.

Our Year 5 pupils transformed into budding scientists for the day, engaging in various exciting experiments within a fully equipped science laboratory. This immersive experience not only enhanced their understanding of the subject but also sparked their curiosity and passion for science.

Week 3

Well done to all our pupils for taking part in our Sports Day as part of National School Sports Week. After a close competition, the eventual winners were Larch Class! A big thank you also goes out to the parents who were brave enough to get involved and race with your children!




Week 2

In Year 5, our Talk for Writing focus for this half term is a non-fiction unit on persuasive writing. The children have been learning all about persuasive language techniques and have created a toolkit that will help them to produce their own persuasive advert. 


Persuasive Advert Toolkit

Week 1


This half-term in Art, we will be making ceramic sculptures in the style of Clarice Cliff - a sculptor from the Art Deco period.

This week, we have been looking at Clarice Cliff's work, taking interest in the colours, textures and patterns she used.


Safe to say, we are all very excited at the opportunity of making our own ceramic sculptures!

Some examples of Clarice Cliff's work
