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Bare Trees Primary School

Summer 2

International Mud Day 28.06.2024

This week we have celebrated International Mud Day. This was an opportunity to get into our school grounds and make use of the mud areas that are available. A perfect excuse to get messy! Year 4 made seed balls and threw them into the wildflower area where we hope to see many more new flowers and plants from the seeds we have spread. 

Sports Day

This week we have had sports day. We really enjoyed taking part in all the different activities. Our parents even had a turn alongside us. 

Rivers and their courses- Geography

This week in geography, we have been looking at rivers and their courses. It was very interesting to learn that a small spring becomes a mighty ocean. Year 4 have used their creative talents and made a model of the course that a river takes. 

Times tables practise

This week we have been practising for our Year 4 multiplication check. We have been counting by rote, checking ourselves with Times tables rockstars and doing some speed questions. 
