Task Three
Task Three
Activity: Complete the subtraction number sentences. .
How to do it:
Click on the football in the workout answer within 10 section. Take away the correct number of balls, count the number of balls that are left. Click on the correct number and click ok. Click the arrow for the next question.
Click on the back arrow to take you back to the different sections. Click on the ice cream and answer the questions.
If you find it tricky:
Click on the football in the workout answer within 5 section.
Read the question to your child.
Ask them how many they need to take away. Ask them to click on that number of balls. Support them to count how many footballs are left.
Click on the correct number and click ok.
Click the arrow for the next question.
Click subtraction, click 4-2? Then next, click 0-12, then 4-2=?, then Slow then click begin. Then click begin again.
Click on the correct number to answer the question