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Welcome To

Bare Trees Primary School

Autumn 1

Week 1

Well done to all of our year 1 children for making a wonderful start in your new classes. You have all worked hard to understand and follow the STAR rules as well as begun some exciting learning. 

Week 2

This week in Geography the children in Year 1 have had a go at creating their very own messy maps using a wide range of classroom objects. The objects the children have used are cubes, counters, dice, glue sticks and many more. Here are some examples of some of the amazing work the children have produced: 

Week 3

In week 3, we created our own version of the Three Little Pigs and created the Three Little Elves. We have been writing our story and performing our story with actions!


The Three Little Elves

Week 4

Thank you to family members for joining Year 1 during our family mornings each Thursday. 

Week 5


This week in Year 1 the children have enjoyed moving onto addition and subtraction in Maths. They have been using counters, cubes and a wide range of other concrete resources to complete their part whole models. 

Week 6


In our English learning, we have began to write our own persuasive adverts. We used our knowledge of materials (from our science topic) to advertise the houses.

Week 7 


Well done to all of our year 1 children for working so hard this half term.

The children have been amazing artists, taking inspiration from Piet Mondrian to create their own artwork. They have been super geographers as they have explored their school grounds, created maps and designed a playground. They have also been wonderful musicians, writers and mathematicians.

Keep up the great work Year 1! 


