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Bare Trees Primary School


Summer 2

What can we learn from sacred books and stories?

We will:

-Identify some beliefs about holy writings for Muslims and Christians.

-Re-tell stories from Muslim and Christian sources, suggest the meaning of these stories.

-Give examples of how stories show what people believe.

-Recognise some ways in which Christian and Muslim people treat their sacred books.

-Give examples of how people use stories, texts and teachings to guide their beliefs and actions.

-Recognise that sacred texts contain stories which are special to many people and should be treated with respect.

-Think, talk and ask questions about stories from sacred texts and give reasons for our responses.


Autumn 1


During Autumn 1 the children have been learning all about the religion of Christianity. They have also worked:

  • To identify what a parable is.
  • To retell the story of 'The Lost Son' from the Bible.
  • To summarise what the story of 'The Lost Son' means to Christians.
  • To explain ways in which Christians show their belief in God as loving and forgiving.
  • To demonstrate how Christians put their beliefs into practice in worship. 

Autumn 2

Why does Christmas matter to Christians?

During this unit of work children will learn to:

  • Recognise that stories of Jesus’ life come from the Gospels.
  • Give a clear, simple account of the story of Jesus’ birth and why Jesus is important for Christians.
  • Give an example of how Christians use the story of the nativity to guide their actions, their beliefs and actions at Christmas time.
  • Think, talk and ask questions about Christmas for people who are Christians and people who are not.
  • Decide what they personally have to be thankful for, giving reasons for their ideas.

Spring 1

Beginning to learn Islam: What do Muslims believe and how do they live?

During this unit children will learn:

  • Recognise the words of the Shahadah and that it is very important to Muslims.
  • Identify some of the key Muslim beliefs expressed in the Five Pillars of Islam.
  • Give some examples of how Muslims use the Shahadah to show what matters to them.
  • Give some examples of how Muslims put their beliefs about prayer and about Allah into action. (e.g. by daily prayer, fasting or pilgrimage)
  • Think, talk and ask questions about Muslim beliefs and ways of living.
  • Talk about what they think is good for Muslims about prayer, respect, celebration and self-control and give a good reason for their ideas.
  • Give a good reason for my ideas about whether prayer, respect, celebration and self-control have something to say to them too.


Spring 2

Islamic festivals and family life: What can we learn from stories of the Prophet?

Children will: 

  • Give examples of how stories about the Prophet show what Muslims believe about Muhammad PBUH.
  • Give examples of how Muslims use stories about the Prophet to guide their beliefs and actions (e.g. care for animals, treat people equally)
  • Give examples of how Muslims put their beliefs about prayer and about Allah into action. (e.g. by daily prayer, by using subha beads.)
  • Think, talk and ask questions about Muslim beliefs and ways of living. 
  • Talk about what they think is good for Muslims about prayer, respect, celebration and self-control, giving a good reason for their ideas.
  • Give good reasons for their ideas about whether prayer, respect, celebration and self-control have something to say to them too.


Summer 1

What does it mean to belong to a faith community?


Children will: 

  • Recognise and name some symbols of belonging from their own experience, for Christians and Muslims suggesting what these might mean and why they matter to believers.
  • Give a clear and simple account of stories that bring people together in their religions.
  • Give some examples of how stories and shared community activities help people to feel they belong to their religion.
  • Think, talk and ask questions about belonging for Christians, Muslims and themselves
  • Talk thoughtfully about belonging to a religion, school, family and community etc.