Summer 2
This week in Year 6, we went on our end of year trip to the climbing centre to celebrate all our super SATs results and all our hard work! We had lots of fun making memories!
This week Year 6 built and programmed their crumble robots as part of their DT. We have definitely got some future computer scientists and coders in our midsts!

After a long week of working hard, Year 6 celebrated International Mud Day. Both children and teachers alike enjoyed the mud slide!
This week was sports week and concluded with Year 6's sports day! A huge thank you to all the parents who took part in the parent-child race and the very memorable tug of war! We all had lots of fun!
This week Year 6 revisited angles and did some active maths! We loved drawing on the tables!
This week Year 6 have started an English topic all about dragons and produced some wonderful spine poems. They are all well on their way to becoming junior dragonologists!