Photography Club
We look forward to Photography club returning this year with new budding photographers!
Do you want to have fun and learn more about photography?
Then you will love our Photography Club where you can have fun learning about pictures, taking part in photography challenges and activities!
This is a unique opportunity for children to learn about how photography works, take better pictures, join in photographic challenges in a fun and stimulating environment.
Joining the Photography club will include
· Fun photography challenges, games and projects to help you take better pictures and develop your creativity and imagination.
· Use of our cameras, materials and equipment.
Autumn Term
Some of the Year 2 children have enjoyed taking part of Photography club. Every Thursday after school the children took part in many photography challenges exploring all parts of the school.
Here are some examples of their photography work.
Week 1
Photography Challenge: To take photos of colours around the classroom.

Photography Challenge: To take photos of your assigned letter of the alphabet.

Photography Challenge: To take pictures of shapes in our environment.

Photography Challenge: To recreate a famous portrait of Churchill, Lees, Walton and Platt.

Photography Challenge: To explore leading lines in your photographs.

Photography Challenge: To use your camera to fill the frame.

Photography Challenge: To create a panoramic photo.

At the end of our Photography Club the children displayed their work to show their family. The children created invitations on the Ipad to invite teachers and their family.

Miss Carling and Miss Birtles are very proud of how hard the children have worked to improve their photography skills.
Other children will have the opportunity to take part in Photography club in the second half of Spring Term.