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Activity: To write a diary entry about your half term activities. 


How to do it:  Talk to your child about the different activities they did last week.  What games did you play? Name the movies or TV shows you watched. 

What activities did you do outside?


Use the language of retelling

First I……………….. 

First We…………………..

Then……………….. After………………………..

And  then…………………………

What did you do first? Then what happened?


In your blue book, or on a piece of paper draw the different things you really enjoyed doing. Choose one picture and write a sentence about it starting with;


Dear Dairy,

On (insert day on the week) I…… 


Remember key features of a diary entry- use the past tense because it has already happened. Put when it happened, what day of the week was it. 


If you find it tricky:  Talk to your child about the different activities they did last week. 

What games did you play? Name the movies or TV shows you watched.  What activities did you do outside? In your blue book, or on a piece of paper draw the different things you really enjoyed doing.  Label the pictures together, encourage your child to write the initial sound of the word. 



After you have completed this activity, write another sentence explaining why you liked doing your chosen activity using the word because.
