Linking Project
What is the Linking Project?
The Linking Project supports schools and communities to develop a positive, cohesive ethos by helping children, young people and adults to explore identity, celebrate diversity, champion equality and promote community.
First Meeting
Pupils in Year 3 at Bare Trees met with pupils at other schools in Manchester to complete activities and build new friendships. On Thursday 19th October pupils from 3A and half of 3DW went to Castleshaw Centre to meet with pupils from Christ Church School. On Monday 23rd October pupils from 3W and half of 3DW went to Castleshaw Centre to meet with pupils from St. Paul's School.
What is the Castleshaw Centre?
Castleshaw Centre is Oldham Council's Outdoor and Environmental Education Centre.
Castleshaw Centre Photographs

Second Meeting
Pupils from 3W and half of 3DW visited St. Paul's Primary School on Tuesday 21st November. In the morning we took part in human bingo, orienteering and made peace doves using clay. In the afternoon we created peace poems and shared a special singing assembly together. We had a fantastic day with our new friends.
Pupils from 3A and half of 3DW visited Christ Church Primary School on Thursday 23rd November. On arrival we all warmed up by dancing together in the hall. After our warm up we made fruit kebabs, created friendship bracelets, painted butterflies and watched an amazing gym performance. What a super day we had with our friends from Christ Church.
St. Paul's Photographs

Christ Church Photographs

Pen Pals

Third Meeting
Our next meeting was at Gallery Oldham. 3W and half of 3DW met St. Paul's School on Tuesday 13th March and 3A and half of 3DW will be meeting Christ Church School on Thursday 15th March.
We began by completing some warm up activities including drawing our friend without taking our pencil off the paper and drawing our friend with our other hand. We then visited the gallery to complete a quiz and drew pictures showing the area of Oldham more than 100 years ago. Finally we made our own pop up picture showing our favourite building in Oldham. We had a fantastic time and enjoyed catching up with our friends from St. Paul's Primary School.
Gallery Oldham Photographs

Final Meeting
Our final meeting in Year 3 with our linking project schools was on Thursday 21st June. Pupils from Christ Church and St. Pauls school visited Bare Trees to take part in a sports day. We really enjoyed the event and hope to keep in touch with our new friends as we get ready to go into Year 4.
Sports Day