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Bare Trees Primary School

Summer 1

Culture Fest- Rio de Janeiro carnival

This week we have celebrated cultures from around the world with Culture Fest. Year 4 we studying and presenting on the Rio de Janeiro carnival. We immersed ourselves in all things carnival and some of us created posters to display in our classrooms.

There are some great examples above. 

This week we have used our practical skills during our design and technology lessons, when we made our motorised vehicles. This has involved lots of gluing, sticking, and cutting, as well as some electrical circuit building. We have self assessed our models whilst making to see how we could stabilise and enhance our vehicle. The part we found tricky was attaching the motor and elastic bands as they kept coming off. 

This week we have been looking at a book in our Ready for Reading which has enthralled us all. We looked at an extract from the book Scrap by Guy Bass and this has left us wanting more. We used information from our text to draw our very own pictures of what we believe Scrap looked like. 

Rain, rain go away!

This week we have been studying poems about rain in our ready for reading class. We made a comparison of two poems about rain, one by Brian Lee and the other by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. This in turn inspired us to write our own poems on the same theme. 

Investigating how different liquids affect our teeth

This week we have been investigating how different liquids affect our teeth. Obviously we couldn't use our teeth for our experiment, so we used eggs to replicate our enamel. We used water, cola, milk, vinegar and juice which we measured out to 50ml each for a fair test.

Text Mapping

This week we have been text mapping our 'faction' model text about Storm Dragons. This has involved us all being very creative and working collaboratively as a class to draw our text rather than writing it. 
