Task 2
30 minutes
What to do:
To segment sounds in simple words and blend them together.
How to do it:
Recap teaching your child to blend using the Read Write Inc information video attached below.
On small pieces of paper write the sounds
m a s t d i n g o p c k u b f
one sound on each small piece of paper.
Make the following words and ask your child to segment the sounds and blend them back together to read. As shown in the video above.
b a d b i t
a t n o t
Ask your child to sound out the word you have made and blend the sounds to read the words
Click on the link and play the game
After each word click the star or push the lever to change the wordIf your child finds that tricky:
Recap learning any sounds that your child has struggled to remember.
Read these words and draw a picture to match the words: