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Bare Trees Primary School

Pupil Premium

At Bare Trees Primary School, we are committed to providing appropriate teaching and learning  for those pupils who are in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding. Bare Trees Primary School is committed to raising attainment and achievement through the effective use of Pupil Premium spending.  


As a school, we recognise that the Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to school for pupils who are - or have been - in receipt of free school meals at any point in the previous 6 years. We utilise this funding to address some of the issues associated with social disadvantage; in particular the narrowing and hopefully closing of any gap that may exist in attainment. 


School uses the funding to make appropriate provision for all pupils academically, socially, culturally and morally. We aim to enrich pupils through a range of experiences and ensure we achieve high outcomes for all pupils.


Through our approach which is;

·      quality first teaching

·      focus on each child’s individual needs

·      the provision of appropriate interventions to remove specific barriers to learning

