Spring 1- Nursery Rhymes
Nursery Rhymes
This half term we are learning different Nursery Rhymes. In Talk for Writing we are reading Goldilocks and in Maths we are focusing on numbers 1-5.
Nursery had a little visitor while the children were at home. Goldilocks snook into school and left a mess! The children couldn't believe it. We received an email from a school close by stating they also had a visit from Goldilocks. She stole their porridge.
5 Currant Buns
We learnt the song 5 Currant buns. Click the link to ling and sing a long. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-five-currant-buns/zm4nmfr
The children followed a simple recipe to make their own dough to make currant buns.
5 Little Men
The nursery children loved making flying saucers. Take a look at the pictures below.
Watch the nursery rhyme by clicking the link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-five-little-men-in-a-flying-saucer/z6qgscw
Forest School
Miss Gorman comes every Friday to take children to Forest School. They love jumping in muddy puddles and mark make using mud.
Chinese New Year
The children enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. We explored movement through a Chinese New Year dragon dance. We also tried different food linked to Chinese New Year.
Mental Health Week
The children loved making sensory bottles to sell at the Wellbeing fair.
Goldilocks Hot Task
Our text this half term is Goldilocks. We have been working hard to learn the story focusing on adjectives. Take a look at some of the children's stories.