Spring 2
Key Stage 1 Performance.
What a great way to end the half term. Our Key Stage 1 Performance was fantastic! The children worked hard to perfect their pieces and they were amazing. All the teachers were extremely proud and it was lovely to see so many adults supporting their children by being there. Well done Key Stage 1!
Aspirations Day
On Monday we enjoyed another school driver day. This time we focussed on aspirations. As a class we discussed some of the jobs we would like to do when we grow up. In Year 2 we will have lots of teachers, doctors, dentists and police officers! We also had some special visitors who shared with us their job roles. Madiyah was a cabin crew for TUI airlines and talked about what her job entails. We were all excited to try on some of her uniform and act out being part of a cabin crew. This inspired some of us to want to do this as a career.
We've had great fun in Mathematics this week learning all about time.
We have been learning to write and tell the time to quarter past and quarter to and also in five minute intervals.
This week in Art we have been experimenting with a range of objects to create different prints. We used everyday classroom materials, foliage and sponges.
As you can see the results were amazing!
We have had a great start to the Spring Term celebrating 'International Mother Language Day'. The children enjoyed the day learning new words and phrases from different languages used within our year group. We created flags to represent our ethnicities and used google translation to learn ways to say the same word in different languages. E.g. Hello, how are you, what is your name.
International Mother Language Day