Autumn 1
Forest School day- WB 07.10.2024
This week we had our forest school day. This is a special day in our school as it is the day which allows us to understand a little more about the trees our classes are named after. We spent time researching our class trees, drawing our class trees and even went out into the school grounds and found our class trees. This was a fun day that we all enjoyed thoroughly. (Yes we were careful of our fingers when touching the holly bushes)
Scientific experiment on evaporation- WB 30.09.2024
This week in science we set up an experiment to understand which environment would allow for evaporation the quickest. We filled 3 cups with 100ml of water and placed them in different places around the Year 4 area. We have checked these cups at 1pm each day. Next week we will write up our findings.
Clarinet- WB 23.09.2024
This week Year 4 have started to play the clarinet. We learned how to assemble the clarinet and how to hold it properly. Our music teacher then showed us how to position the clarinet on our lip so we could make the best sound possible when starting to play. There were a few squeaks and squawks but we are still practising and are very excited to learn.
Vocabulary building- WB 16.09.2024
This week we have been vocabulary building based on a picture from our portal story 'Elf Road.' This has required us to use our imaginations and step into the picture. We then thought about what we would see, hear, smell and feel as the portal opened. We used our dictionaries and thesaurus' to uplevel our vocabulary with adjectives and synonyms.
Tone- WB 09.09.2024
This week we have been looking at tone and understanding what it means. We then tried using different grades of pencil from H- 6B to shade from light to dark in our sketch books. We enjoyed examining how the different pencils created different tones and textures on the page.