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Welcome To

Bare Trees Primary School

Linking Project *Updated*

What is the Linking Project?

The Linking Project supports schools and communities to develop a positive, cohesive ethos by helping children, young people and adults to explore identity, celebrate diversity, champion equality and promote community. Throughout the year, pupils from Bare Trees in Year 3 will be meeting with pupils from other schools in Manchester to complete activities and build new friendships.


First Meeting

The first meeting was at the Castleshaw Centre, Oldham Council's Outdoor and Environmental Education Centre. Elm class visited on Thursday 4th October, English Oak class on Tuesday 23rd October and Elderberry class on Thursday 29th November.


We enjoyed activities such as orienteering, making nests for hedgehogs, pond dipping, long walks and visiting the adventure playground. We had a great time and look forward to meeting our new friends again soon!


Christmas Time

During Christmas time we enjoyed making Christmas Cards for our new friends and sending these to our linking schools.  

Swapping Christmas Cards

Second meeting

For our second meeting we visited Oldham Gallery. We completed a quiz by looking at the artwork and the artefacts. We had a session learning all about the cotton mills in Oldham and then we all made our very own 3D pop up cards of the Oldham mills. We thoroughly enjoyed our morning at the Gallery.

Third meeting

For our third meeting Elderberry visited Holy Rosary primary school. We participated in some team building activities and games. We created Mosaic art work and large collages in small groups, we then put them all together to create a huge piece of artwork. In the afternoon, we had an Oldham Athletic coach teaching us P.E. We really enjoyed our visit to Holy Rosary and we look forward to them visiting Bare Trees.

Holy Rosary 13.3.19

Fourth Meeting

On Tuesday 11th June, Wednesday 12th June and Thursday 13th of June, we were visited at Bare Trees by our linking schools, Thorp, St. Paul's and Holy Rosary. We had our very own Sports day during the morning, biscuits and juice for playtime followed by more sports activities. We had lunch in the hall and then our playtime on the astroturf. In the afternoon, we had a visit from the Multi- faith workshop before saying our goodbyes. We really enjoyed welcoming our link schools into our school.
