Jessie and Friends By Eshan Ali in Birch Class. Keep up the great work Eshan!
A fruit portrait by Eshan Ali in Birch Class. Well Done Eshan!
Reading (30 minutes)
RWI Phonics lessons
Start off with Speed Sound lessons every day using the link below.
Films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.
Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am
LO: To edit and improve the story.
Use a pen to edit and improve your story. Check for the following mistakes:
- Capital Letters
- Spelling mistakes
- Finger spaces
- Full Stops
LO: To use objects to describe position
L.O To take part in a yoga lesson
As we have been learning about all types of animals let's do some yoga about 'Squish the Fish'.
Yoga is a chance to relax our minds, forget about anything worrying us and is also great exercise.