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Bare Trees Primary School

Design and Technology

Summer 2

Food and Nutrition.

We will:

- design, make and evaluate a fruit dish.

- use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare a fruit dish.

- develop our understanding of good hygiene.

- explore a range of ingredients, testing and tasting what we would like to include in our recipes.

- learn to use hand tools and kitchen equipment safely.

- peel and cut ingredients.

- carefully assemble ingredients to create an appealing dish.

- understand that all food comes from plants or animals.


Autumn 2


During Autumn 2 the children have been working to design a new building for Chadderton. As part of the structures unit children have used key skills to prepare and make a new building for Chadderton, exploring how they can make it stronger, stiffer and more stable. They have also worked:

  • To explore a range of existing buildings in Chadderton. 
  • To design a new building for Chadderton based on a design criteria.
  • To generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking and creating drawings of buildings in Chadderton.
  • To select from and use a range of tools and equipment, to create a model of a building in Chadderton (for example cutting, shaping, joining and finishing).
  • To select from and use a wide range of materials and components to create a new building in Chadderton (such as construction materials and junk modelling). 
  • To begin to measure and join materials, with some support
  • To describe differences in materials
  • To suggest ways to make material/product stronger 
  • To evaluate their ideas and products against a design criteria.

Creating our structures.

Our final models.

Spring 1


This half term the children in year 1 are going to be creating a moving space scene, they will be looking at mechanisms and practising creating a lever and slider to include. They will be working;

  • To design a purposeful, functional and appealing space scene with moving parts, using levers and sliders to animate based on a design criterion.
  • To generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups of their scene.
  • To select from and use a range of tools and equipment (for example cutting, shaping, joining and finishing) to create a scene with a lever and slider.
  • To select from and use a wide range of materials and components to create a space scene with a lever and slider. 
  • To explore and use mechanisms such as levers and sliders in their work.
  • To evaluate their ideas and products against a design criterion.

Making a lever mechanism.
