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Welcome To

Bare Trees Primary School


I hope you had lots of fun learning about Incy Wincy yesterday and I am sure you managed to find lots of spiders.


Today our nursery rhyme is: Humpty Dumpty.


Task 1:


Listen to the song. Do you know it? Can you join in and sing along?

Task 2: What can you see?


  • Can you see Humpty Dumpty?
  • Where is he sitting?
  • What happened to him?
  • Who came to help Humpty Dumpty?
  • What is Humpty Dumpty?



Task 3:


Can you make your own Humpty Dumpty using objects and materials that are in your home? Can you use your Humpty Dumpty to join in and follow the rhyme?




Can you build a tower for Humpty Dumpty to sit on and then fall off?


