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Welcome To

Bare Trees Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Welcome to our Year 4 web page! We will be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we've done and more. Please keep checking this page to find out what we have been learning!



Meet the Team!


The staff working in Year 4 are:

Mrs. Burns - Hawthorn Class Teachers & Year Group Lead

Mr. Hussain - Holly Class Teacher

Miss. Shirley - Hazel Class Teacher


Mrs Randles - Teaching Assistant

Mrs. Akhter - Teaching Assistant

Miss. Watkins - Teaching Assistant



Year 4 will be inviting parents in to school to share information and demonstrate the various strategies we are utilising to help children learn and recall their times tables.


In June 2023, Year 4 pupils will be taking part in the Year 4 multiplication tables check (MTC). The MTC is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times tables questions.


Please support your child in practising their times table facts daily for 10 minutes. Children have only 6 seconds per question to recall and enter the answer so need to know them very well.




How to join Google Classroom and Purple Mash
