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Bare Trees Primary School

Governing Board Annual Statement

Annual Statement of Issues Faced and Addressed by The Governing Body 2022







Budget setting, monitoring and review

To agree a budget and monitor it on a termly basis to ensure sound financial management.

Budget set by the Headteacher, Business Manager and school accountant in the Spring term and presented to Governors for approval.


Governors monitor the budget termly.

Full Governing Body

Governors are satisfied that school is meeting the requirements of SFVS

Performance Management

To carry out annual performance management of Headteacher.

Performance objectives are agreed and reviewed annually.


School Improvement Partner is engaged to support and advise Governors.

Performance Management Committee

Challenging targets are set which drive improvement.

Policy documentation review

To review school policies to ensure they meet the requirements of the school and the most recent national requirements.

Governors review policies annually in the Autumn term.


All policies are signed by the Chair.

Full Governing Body


Chair of Governors

All school policies reflect current recommendations and fit the needs of the school.

School Improvement Plan Review

To carry out a review of the School Improvement Plan to ensure it meets the needs of the school.

Governors review and approve the School Improvement Plan for the academic year ensuring that it addresses the key priorities of the school.

Full Governing Body

The School Improvement Plan is fit for purpose and addresses the key priorities of the school.

Review of standards and performance of the school

To review performance data and challenge the SLT on the performance of the school.

Governors receive termly performance data via the Headteacher’s report. 

Full Governing Body

Governors have a clear understanding of the performance of the school and are able to challenge where appropriate.

Review subject performance and implementation in school.

Link Governors to meet with subject co-ordinators, observe lessons and take part in learning walks.

Link governors meet with staff to keep abreast of developments in their area of interest.

Link Governors


Full Governing Body

Link Governors are knowledgeable about their subject area and developments in school.

Review and upkeep of buildings and school site

Health and safety audit carried out.


To complete actions identified in the fire risk assessment.


Premises Development Plan

Actions presented by Headteacher and Business Manager and agreed by Governors.

Full Governing Body

Fire risk assessor and Environmental Health Officer are satisfied that all actions have been carried out.


Programme of refurbishment across school completed.


Drainage renovation work completed.


The Governing Body has three core functions which are:


  • Ensuring the vision, ethos and strategic direction.

Governors are responsible for setting the school’s strategic direction, identifying priorities for school improvement and monitoring progress towards these goals. Governors are also responsible for setting a school ethos of high expectations of behaviour, progress and attainment of all pupils and of conduct of staff and Governors.


  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.

Governors must provide challenge to the school and hold the Headteacher and senior leaders to account for improving the quality of teaching and learning and school performance.  We do this through questioning and through regular monitoring and analysis of data on children’s performance and progress. Governors hold the Headteacher to account for the performance management of teachers. The Headteacher’s performance management is conducted by Governors and the School Improvement Partner.


  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors evaluate financial statements and ask questions to ensure that the school makes efficient use of its budget and provides best value for money.












