First half of Spring Term
This half term the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Titanic. During the Christmas holidays the children were given a challenge of either building a Titanic, designing a menu, creating a ticket or learning some facts. The Year 1 teachers were amazed by the children’s contributions.

During our Art lessons, the children were challenged to design a room that would be inside the Titanic. First the children designed their Titanic room in their sketchbooks. Then the children used a shoebox to make their design come to life. The children were given cardboard to make the furniture and paint to decorate. I think you would all agree that what the children have created is spectular. We put some of the Titanic rooms together to make a Titanic display.
Keeping up with the topic of The Titanic, we went on many adventures, imagining we were on the Titanic. First we experienced first class which all the children enjoyed. Then we experienced third class, not as many children enjoyed this adventure. We made tickets for the Titanic and wrote a letter to our family at home.
Next half term’s topic is ‘In the Land of Make Belief’. During this topic we will be learning about Traditional Tales, building a castle and taking part in a week based on How to Catch a Dragon.