Good Morning Year 2
Have a lovely week.
Enjoy listening to this story to start off the day.
RWI Phonics lessons
Start off with Speed Sound lessons every day using the link below.
Films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.
- Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
- Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
- Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am
Here is your newspaper First News. Have a read and enjoy.
Below is Miss Jones' favourite article this week about animals.
Denzel and Miss Jones have been on some more adventures this weekend.
Can you write a story about an exciting adventure Denzel has?
Challenge 1 - Remember to include full stops and capital letters.
Challenge 2 - Can you include an exclamation sentence? Example - How clever he is! What a funny dog he is!
Challenge 3 - Include the conjunctions when, that, so, because and but in your story.
Please send your story to Miss Jones to this email address.

Log in to TTRockstars to practise your timetables.
Position and Direction Vocabulary
Describing movement challenges

Follow the powerpoint for information about different habitats all around the world.
Can you create your very own habitat scene using craft materials you can find in your house.
You may want to create your scene in a shoe box or a cereal box. You could make your own animals, trees, plants, water, sand using materials you find in your house. Be creative.
When completed please send a picture of your habitat scene to your teachers using this email address.
We can't wait to see them.
Have fun!
Have a look at Yahya's amazing Giraffe Habitat! Well done Yahya!
When completed you may create a habitat for a different animal if you like.
Here are some key facts to read and some word searches for you to complete.