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Welcome To

Bare Trees Primary School


Last week we were thinking about getting ready to start Nursery. This week we are thinking all about us. We want to know lots about you when you come to school so it's time to think about you!


All About Me- What is your name?


You are going to meet lots of new friends and your new teachers. When you come to school, everyone is going to want to know what your name is! It's time to practise saying your name in a big voice ready to share with everybody.


Watch the video below, everyone is sharing their name. Can you join in and say your name?

What's Your Name? | featuring Noodle & Pals | Super Simple Songs

Get the Super Simple App for iOS! ► http://apple.co/2nW5hPd Get up and move with Noodle & Pals on this greetings song for kids, What's Your Name?! 🎶Hello, He...



  • Do you know what your name looks like?


  • Can you recognise your name?


  • Do you know your last name?


  • I wonder if anyone has been working hard at home and can write any of the sounds in their name?


  • Can you say your name in a big voice?
