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Bare Trees Primary School

Anti-Bullying Week

From Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July we participated in Anti-Bullying Week at Bare Trees, with a focus on Cyber Bullying on Friday. We completed many activities throughout the week such as; anti-bullying posters and symbols, acrostic poems, role play, friendship bracelets and creating a whole school kindness tree. Pupils were also given a '20 Acts of Kindness' list which they tried to tick off throughout the week, pupils received a sticker upon completion of the list. 


Year 5 invited parents into school on Friday 7th July from 8:45 - 9:30 am to complete anti-bullying activities with their child. Thank you to parents that came along to join their child on this day.


Also, 2 pupils in each year group were chosen as 'Buddies' to be good friends on the playground throughout this week. Well done to our Year 5 buddies Mahey and Mueed who were fantastic.


On Friday in assembly the superstar from each class was a 'Super Friend'. Well done to Adil, Tanjina and Anika who were chosen for being great friends in Year 5.


The winning posters from whole school anti-bullying poster competition will be announced on Friday 14th July in assembly.


Please enjoy browsing through the pictures below of the activities we completed throughout the week. 

Bullying role play

Friendship bracelets with parents
