Anti-Bullying Week
From Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July we participated in Anti-Bullying Week at Bare Trees, with a focus on Cyber Bullying on Friday. We completed many activities throughout the week such as; anti-bullying posters and symbols, acrostic poems, role play, friendship bracelets and creating a whole school kindness tree. Pupils were also given a '20 Acts of Kindness' list which they tried to tick off throughout the week, pupils received a sticker upon completion of the list.
Year 5 invited parents into school on Friday 7th July from 8:45 - 9:30 am to complete anti-bullying activities with their child. Thank you to parents that came along to join their child on this day.
Also, 2 pupils in each year group were chosen as 'Buddies' to be good friends on the playground throughout this week. Well done to our Year 5 buddies Mahey and Mueed who were fantastic.
On Friday in assembly the superstar from each class was a 'Super Friend'. Well done to Adil, Tanjina and Anika who were chosen for being great friends in Year 5.
The winning posters from whole school anti-bullying poster competition will be announced on Friday 14th July in assembly.
Please enjoy browsing through the pictures below of the activities we completed throughout the week.