Spring 2
This week the children have enjoyed completing the Queens portraits using warm colours, cool colours, shiny and textured materials. Here are some examples:

The children in year 1 are enjoying learning the song Round and Round. They are working extremely hard to play the glockenspiel to the song too.
This week in Year 1 the children celebrated World Book Day by bringing in some modelled scenes from their favourite story books. Here are some examples:
This week the children were able to have an immersive experience within a 360 degree, space themed dome. They were exposed to a wide range of facts and some of the pupil voice included:
"We saw Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins landing and walking on the moon"
"I learned the names of some phases of the moon like full moon, crescent moon and gibbous moon"
"I loved it"
"It was so much fun"
This week in computing the children have been exploring how to add drawings and text to an e-book.
In Year 1 this week, we have been focusing on learning about three important Queens who reigned over Britain; Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II, and how life was like in Britain during those three time periods.
Children enjoyed researching using different sources to find out more about the three Queens in their classes. After that, all the children were able to share what they found out in front of the other Year 1 classes. They had lots of fun being historians!
Week 4
In our art lessons this half term, we have been focusing on mosaics and collaging. We looked at the artist Sailesh Sanghvi and his mosaic art pieces to inspire us to create our very own Queen's portrait. We used shiny, textured, warm and cool toned coloured papers and materials to help create the piece. This week we finished our work, and we are all very happy with our finished pieces!