Autumn 1
Autumn 1
During this half term, the children in Year 5 will be learning all about 'What matters most to Humanists?'.
They will:
-Identify and explain beliefs about why people are good
and bad. (e.g. from Humanism)
-Make links with sources of authority that tell people how
to be good. (e.g. the Humanist saying that people can be
‘good without God’ and exist without a designer)
-Make clear connections between Humanist ideas about
being good and how people live.
-Suggest reasons why it might be helpful to follow a moral
code and why it might be difficult, offering different points
of view.
-Raise questions and suggest answers about how and
why people should be good.
-Make connections between the values studied and their
own lives, and their importance in the world today, give
good reasons for their views.