Welcome to Bare Trees Primary School website.

Safeguarding Notice

Bare Trees Primary School is committed to safeguarding our pupils.

We expect all staff, governors, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.

For details please see our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, which can be viewed on our School website or requested from the main office.

For more information please click here to read our Safeguarding Policy.

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Welcome To

Bare Trees Primary School


SEND provision is central to the whole-school practice within Bare Trees Primary School. The good practice embedded within SEND provision is the foundation for educating every child in the school.


The SENDCo for school Years 1 -6 is Mrs Doherty.

The SENDCo for EYFS is Miss Livsey.


Both can be contacted on 0161 503 4260 to request an appointment. 



Oldham Local Offer

Oldham Council's Local Offer can be found here; www.oldham.gov.uk/localoffer

