Task One
30 Minutes
What to do:
To write a sentence
Write a sentence about the picture. Using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
How to do it:
Discuss the picture, ask your child:
- What story do they think this picture might have come from?
- What does it remind them about?
- How is the boy feeling as he climbs the beanstalk? Scared, excited, nervous, happy?
- How would they feel if they were to climb the beanstalk?
- What will he find at the top of the beanstalk?
Finish the sentence:
He reached the top of the beanstalk and he saw......
If your child finds that tricky:
Discuss the above questions with your child. Write the start of the sentence for them, ask them to draw their answer and label the picture. They can write the words or initial sounds and you can complete the word with the help of your child.
Can I use a describing word in my sentence? Edit your sentence. Check it makes sense, that there are no missing words, that you have used capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.