Road Safety Day
On Friday 12th May it was 'Road Safety Day' at Bare Trees Primary School. On this day pupils took part in activities throughout the day to improve their knowledge and understanding of road safety. In the afternoon we invited a road safety officer to come into school to speak to pupils and also invited parents to join us. The Eco Council asked pupils to design a banner which will be displayed outside of our school to encourage parents to park responsibly and drive slowly to ensure everyone is safe. Pupils were invited on this day to wear non-uniform with a contribution of 50p towards the cost of making the road safety banner. The theme was 'Be safe, be seen' with pupils encouraged to wear bright coloured clothing.
Photos throughout the day
Road Safety Winning Posters

Road Safety Assembly Parent Feedback
"This kind of program should be organised every year."
"I realised it's better to walk to school than with a car. It's been really helpful."
"Very informative. A great reminder for kids and parents."
"Made children more aware, good reminder for parents."
"I think this meeting was very interesting."
"It was really helpful the meeting, really good, thank you."
"I have attended the meeting and it is very helpful. We learnt about road safety and useful things about walking to school."
"It was very helpful and I think possibly make it a regular thing each year so those parents who are not as careful take more notice."
"It is so good to know about the safety. Thank you it was very helpful."
"It's great! I think it is very useful for parents and children as well. Like to thank you."
"This is wonderful presentation. It is really helpful to understand how road will be safe for children."
Thank you to all parents who attended the Road Safety Meeting.