Autumn 2-People who help us
People who help us
This half term in Nursery we are learning about people who help us. Take a look at us being doctors and vets.

We also celebrated Bonfire Night. Take a look at the firework patterns we made and the firework sticks we made in the outdoor area.

Firework stick

Firework stick

We are learning about fire fighters in Nursery. Look at the fire artwork we completed in the creative area.

Nursery have been learning about Dentists. Every child in Nursery brushed their teeth and received a toothbrush and toothpaste to take home. We all practised brushing teeth for two minutes.

We had an exciting week in Nursery. We learnt about vets. Vets help animals get better. Mr Wild brought in two animals that we have at school. The Nursery children met Bruce the bearded dragon and Toffee the rabbit.