Spring 1
Week 1- We went on our own bear hunt in forest school!
Week 2
This week, we were really lucky to experience a real 'swirling whirling snow storm' ! We put our wellies and coats on and explored the snow. The children loved the feeling of the snow on their feet, we pretended that we were in the story 'We Are Going On a Bear Hunt'.
Week 3
This week we have continued our learning all about 'We Are Going On a Bear Hunt', Where the children have been innovating their story. We have changed the long wavy grass to the hot lava, the deep, cold river to crunchy sand. We have loved changing the story, it has been so fun.
In maths, we have been learning to sequence numbers to 10.
In Topic we have been reading all about The Enormous Turnip.
Take a look at some of our Vegetable Paintings!
Week 4
This week in Reception we have been celebrating World Mental Health Week.
To contribute to our school Mental Wellbeing Fair, we made pots of scented playdough. The children loved mixing all the ingredients together and seeing how the consistency changed.
In Talk For Writing this week, the children have completed their Hot Writes. Each child retold their version of 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt'. We are so proud of the children, inventing their own stories. We have had stories like 'We're Going On a Monster Hunt', 'We're Going On a Butterfly Hunt' and 'We're Going On A Pirate Hunt'. Story telling is so fun!
In Maths, we have been looking at the composition of number 10. We have used, Numicon, ten frames, double sided counters, compare bears and much more to show how we can make 10.
The children have been busy in continuous provision, independently selecting what they want to play with.
Week 5
This week in Topic we have introduced the new story 'Chicken Licken', we have spoke about how brave Chicken Licken was making his way to the King to tell him that something was wrong.
The children loved making masks and paintings of the characters from the book. They have been so creative!
In Maths we have been learning our Number bonds to 10. The children have gained lots of confidence being able to recall each number bond to 10.
Week 6
This week in English we have been doing our 'cold writes' in Talk For Writing, the children were given some bugs and had to tell a story using the bugs. We are very excited to see how their stories develop over the next half term.
We will be focussing on the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar'.
In Maths, we have continued with our learning on Number Bonds to 10.
In Topic we have carried on with the story 'Chicken Licken', it was also pancake day and Valentines day so we have been very creative with making cards and pancakes!