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The Environment Play games to learn about our summer term topic.
Multiply 2 digits by 2 digits. Practise long multiplication using this game.
Living Things and their Habitats (Animals Including Humans) Read about the different types of animals and test yourself with the animal classification game.
Measuring Angles Games to practise measuring angles.
Short Division A game to practise dividing 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1 digit.
Living Things and their Habitats (Plants) Games and research about our science topic for the first half of the spring term.
Mexico Read all about our spring term topic.
Earth, Moon and Sun Learn about our science topic for the second half of the autumn term.
Fractions A selection of games to practise equivalent fractions and ordering fractions.
Shape, Position and Movement Play the games to learn more about 3D shapes and their properties.
Forces Learn about our science topic for the first half of the autumn term.
Times Tables Use these games to learn your times tables up to 12 x 12.
Roald Dahl Games, quizzes and information about Roald Dahl's stories and characters.
Tudors Information about our autumn term topic.