Summer 2
This week in Year 1 the children have been expanding their learning in Design and Technology by using their very own designs to carefully assemble a fruit salad. Here are some examples:
Year 1 have been working hard in science to create their very own gardens filled with flowering and non-flowering plants, wild flowers, deciduous and evergreen trees. They went into the schools outside provision, including forest school and the gardens to explore different kinds of plants and trees, before coming inside and designing a beautiful summer garden.
Year 1 kick started this week with sports day where the children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in a wide range of sports activities. They have also really enjoyed coming into school this week wearing their sporting hero outfits. Here are some examples:
Take a look at our wonderful home learning writing challenges all about bees. We have written poems, facts files and drawn pictures with labels.
Year 1 kick started their summer 2 learning with lots of continuous provision activities. Some children chose to focus on learning about rotation with the shape worksheet activity, whilst some were writing all about bees, using the vocabulary from their English prior learning. Some children also chose to get creative using a rainbow template to dot paint all the colours of the rainbow in the style of our Summer 1 artist, Bridget Riley.