Today we are going to continue with our story The Worrysaurus.
Let's watch the story again to remind ourselves of what happened in the book.
What did you like most about the story?
Today we received a letter from The Worrysaurus. Let's read the letter together with our adults.
Task 1
Why is the Worrysaurus worried?
I would like you to think of ways you could help The Worrysaurus to stop being scared.
Discuss with your adult things that you could do when you are scared? For example, when I am scared I like to get
my teddy bear and cuddle it. That always makes me happy and stops me from being scared!
Task 2
In the book, the Worrysaurus made a box filled with all the things he liked to stop him from being scared.
I would like you to explore your house and pick out 4 things you like to use when you are scared.
Once your child has picked four objects, I would like you to ask these questions:
Can you name these objects?
Why have you chosen these objects?
What sound do they start with?