RWI Phonics lessons
Start off with Speed Sound lessons every day using the link below.
Films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.
- Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
- Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
- Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am
Read The Spaceship and answer the given questions.
Book Hunt Challenge
Watch the clip Marshmallows and use it to complete the three challenges.

Challenge 1
Write these key words in your neatest handwriting. Remember to think about the size of the letters.
Ascenders - b d f h k l t
Descenders - g j p q y
Boat letters - a c e i m n o r s u v w x z
Challenge 2
Write a list of adjectives to describe the monster in the clip.
eg. happy, scary, vicious.
Challenge 3
Imagine you are camping in the woods and you meet this monster.
Write a short story about an adventure you have together.
Remember to plan your story first.
Can you use conjunctions? (and, but, so, because, if, when, that, or)
Find a space in your house or garden where you can jump and hop around.
Count in 2’s to 50 whilst jumping up and down.
Count in 5's to 100 whilst doing star jumps.
Count in 10's to 100 whilst hopping on one leg.
Can you now count backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s?

Task - Temperature
Use the powerpoint information. Do you know what temperature is and how it is measured?
Challenge 1
Cut and stick the items of clothing to show what you would wear depending on the weather.

Challenge 2
Read the temperatures on the thermometers in the powerpoint.
Challenge 3
Using the world map in the powerpoint compare the temperates in different countries.
Use the powerpoint information to complete the three challenges.
Challenge 1
Find things around your house and garden and sort them into three groups - living, dead, never alive.
eg. a growing plant, a fallen leaf, a football.
Challenge 2
Complete the sorting cards activities.
Challenge 3
Complete the life processes activity sheet. Which living thing will you choose to write about? How do you know it's a living thing?