RWI Phonics lessons
Start off with Speed Sound lessons every day using the link below.
Films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.
- Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
- Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
- Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am
Daily read and to answer questions about the texts using your question bookmark.
The Magic Tree - Perfect Picture
Imagine you have just walked through the open portal and into the world inside the tree.
Challenge 1 - Draw and label what you can see.
Challenge 2 - Draw and describe using sentences on what you can see.
Challenge 3 - Use all your senses to draw and describe your picture. Use sentences.
62 + 37 =
84 - 49 =
20 / 2 =
5 x 12 =
2/4 of 18 =
Make your own clock and practise reading the time.
Challenge 1
Can you tell the time to o’clock?
Challenge 2
Can you tell the time to half past?
Challenge 3
Can you tell the time to quarter past and quarter to?
Design and Technology
Can you create your skyscraper?
Challenge 1 - Use junk modelling to build your skyscraper.
Challenge 2 - Paint your skyscraper. Can you add windows or doors?
Challenge 3 - Estimate how long your skyscraper is.
Measure your skyscraper. Were you right? How close were you?