Parents - School closure information
Home Learning Instructions and Expectations - Year 4
Pupils are expected to carry out a minimum of 2 hours of home learning per day.
Work will be set daily using Google Classroom (30 minutes each of maths, times tables, reading, writing and other subjects).
Children are required to login and check for Google Classroom assignments daily. Your child has been shown how to access Google Classroom, however, if they are still unsure, please view the following web links or for help and support logging in.
Some longer activities/projects may be set using Google Classroom to run for 30 mins per day over the week.
Teachers will mark and provide feedback through Google Classroom wherever possible (although some assignments may have to be completed on paper and checked when school reopens).
Children are also expected to read their school reading book at home and practice spellings daily.
Children will continue to have access to TT Rockstars, Purple Mash and Discovery Espresso using their current school logins, in order to supplement their learning. If your child is unsure of how to log into these, there are self-help sheets on the google drive.
Children without access to the internet through a tablet or a computer will be provided with work books in Maths and English and will be expected to work for 2 hours a day on their activities.
School will provide additional stationery and equipment for any projects that need to be completed on paper in your child’s home learning pack
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s learning at home, please check the school website and your child’s year group page for more information. Alternatively contact the school through or by telephoning the school on 0161 503 4260.
Recommended websites to supplement your child’s learning at home
Links to Purple Mash, Maths Frame, Times Table Rockstars and Discovery Education can be found on our school website.
Children have their own individual logins for Purple Mash & Times Table Rockstars.
We have a generic login for Discovery Education.