Self Isolation Activities
Reading Tips for Parents
Pupils are expected to complete 20 minutes of independent reading per day. This should be their school reading book, which is matched to their ability to decode and understand the text. Pupils should also read their own choice of personal books or library books.
Lovereading4kids - a searchable library of free book extracts, reviews and more.
Oxford Owl/Oxford Reading Tree - As the UK’s most successful reading scheme, Oxford Reading Tree has helped millions of children from all over the world learn to read ... and love to read. Rooted in reading for pleasure and with synthetic phonics at its heart, Oxford Reading Tree's well-loved characters, breadth (over 800 books!) and varied writing styles give children everything they need to become confident readers.
Authorfy - a fantastic website filled with resources: videos from best-selling authors, book extracts and fun writing challenges. Pupils will be able to navigate the website.
Pupils are expected to complete 30 minutes per day of mathematics activities. We would like pupils to focus on practising multiplication and division facts. Pupils have access to Times Tables Rock Stars, and are familiar with using the app in school. Help with logging in is available on the website in the below links section.
Pupils have also been accessing a website called Mathsframe - which allows children to practise multiplication facts and play a variety of tablet friendly multiplication and division facts.
TT Rockstars - available for use through google chrome's browser or as an app for Apple and Android devices. Login information is available from teachers, and passwords can be retrieved at home by using pupils' email accounts if passwords are forgotten.
Hit the button - interactive game for multiplication tables and division facts fluency. Works best on touch screen devices but works within google chrome on all devices.
Pupils are expected to learn ten spellings per week from the national curriculum spelling lists. Teachers group these words according to word families and spelling patterns.
Each week, pupils are expected to write a sentence using each of their ten spelling words. Using the spelling lists in the Self Isolation Activity packs, pupils should research the meaning of each word if necessary and write a sentence featuring the word. Additionally, pupils will have joined handwriting activities to complete.
This term, Year 4 have been learning about Animals Including Humans and Living Things and their Habitats. Pupils can investigate and research these topics further using a variety of useful websites including BBC Bitesize, Discovery Education and Wow Science.