Summer 2
We will be learning to:
- Find a quarter
Position and Direction
We will focus on:
- Using language such as whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, three quarter turn
- Describing position
Place Value to 100
We will be:
- Counting to 100
- Partitioning numbers
- Comparing numbers
- Ordering numbers
- Finding one more, one less
We will be:
- Recognising coins
- Recognising notes
- Learning the value of different coins and notes
- Counting in coins
We will focus on:
- Time to the hour
- Time to the half hour
- Writing time
- Comparing time
Summer 1
We will focus on:
- Making equal groups
- Adding equal groups
- Making arrays
- Making doubles
- Finding a half.
Spring 2
Weight and Volume
We will:
- Introduce weight and mass
- Measure mass
- Compare mass
- Introduce Capacity and volume
- Measure capacity
- Compare capacity
Place Value to 50
We will:
- Explore tens and ones
- Represent numbers to 50
- Find one more /one less
- Compare objects within 50
- Compare numbers within 50
- Order numbers within 50
- Count in 2s
- Count in 5s
Multiplication and Division
We will:
- Count in 10s
- Make equal groups
- Add equal groups
- Make arrays
- Make doubles
- Make equal groups - grouping
- Make equal groups - sharing
Spring 1
Addition and Subtraction within 20.
We will be learning to:
- Add by counting on
- Find and make number bonds
- Add by making 10
- Subtract - not crossing 10
- Subtract - crossing 10
- Relate addition and subtraction facts
- Compare number sentences
Length and Height
We will be learning to:
- Compare lengths and heights
- Measure length
Autumn 2
We will be learning to:
Recognise and name 3-D shapes
- Sort 3-D shapes
- Recognise and name 2-D shapes
- Sort 2-D shapes
- Create patterns with 3-D and 2-D shapes
Place Value within 20.
We will be looking at numbers 11-20 and learning to:
- Count forwards and backwards and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words
- Recognise tens and ones
- Count one more and one less
- Compare groups of objects
- Compare numbers
- Order groups of objects
- Order numbers
Autumn 1
At the beginning of Autumn 1 we will focus on place value within 10. This will include learning to:
● Sort objects
● Subitise regular and irregular patterns
● Count objects
● Represent Objects
● Count, read and write forwards from any number 0 to 10
● Count, read and write backwards from any number 0 to 10
● Count one more
● Count one less
● Secure one-to-one correspondence to start to compare groups
● Compare groups using language such as equal, more/greater,
● Recognise <,> and = symbols
● Compare numbers
● Order groups of objects
● Order numbers
● Ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd...)
● To use a number line
Next we will explore addition and subtraction within 10. We will be looking at:
The part-whole model
The addition symbol
Fact families - addition facts
Number bonds
Systematic methods for number bonds within 10
Comparing number bonds
Addition - adding together
Addition - adding more
Finding a part
Subtraction -taking away, how many left? Crossing out
Subtraction -taking away, how many left? Introducing
the subtraction symbol
Subtraction -finding a part
Fact families -the eight facts
Subtraction -counting back