Autumn 2
Week 1
Year 1 have submitted absolutely fantastic pieces of homework. Children were asked to create a building and have delivered work to a very high standard! From the year 1 teachers, WELL DONE.
A big thank you to parents who have supported the children to produce such brilliant work!

Week 2
The children have really enjoyed dressing up for Children in Need day. Here are some examples of the lovely outfits :
Week 3
This week the children have been amazing storytellers.
We have used props and sentence starters to create exciting, and very imaginative stories.
Once upon a time...
One day...
Week 4
Magic Porridge Pot Theatre
This week the children watched a theatre based on the Magic Porridge Pot which they loved!
Thank you for parents who donated so this could happen.
And thank you to the performers who did a terrific job!

Week 5
The children in Year 1 have really enjoyed drawing their designs in their Design and Technology lessons. They have explored and experimented with a variety of different kinds of joins and have chosen a few to use when making their buildings. Here are a few examples of some of the designs the children have drawn:
Week 6
This week the children have enjoyed looking at photographs of our recent walk around Chadderton, and using these to help us with our recount writing. The children have worked hard to retell the events of their trip using the time openers: First, Next, Then, After that and Finally.