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Bare Trees Primary School

Autumn 1

Week 7

This week, pupils have been writing their own radio interview script during. Pupils then performed their interviews in pairs. They had a brilliant time recording their performances. 

Week 6

This week, pupils have been painting their own version of the 'Cap Matin' by Claude Monet. Pupils experimented using thinner brushes, sponge daubers and fingers to add detail. Below is a painting by one of our year 6 pupils. 

Week 5

This week, Year 6 went out of school, into our local community to collect data as part of our Geography lesson- Why does population change? Pupils walked the route to the two pre-prepared locations (Location 1: lay-by outside the school entrance and Location 2: lay-by next to Broadway, behind the school) to collect data on traffic and litter in both places.

The data collected showed how population impacts the amount of traffic and litter in an area. 


Week 4

Year 6 visited the forest school room to look at a variety of vertebrates and invertebrates. We met the Bearded Dragon 'Bruce', Guppies (fish), Axolotl (amphibian) and the Giant African Snail 'Gary'. We had a fantastic time meeting all the creatures. 

Week 3

This week, pupils have been adding and subtracting integers crossing the thousands and millions boundaries. Pupils have also been practising finding the missing digits on a given column addition/ subtraction calculation. 


Week 2

This week in our Art lesson, pupils considered the shape and form of a variety of 'kitchen themed' objects when creating their own subject composition. Over the course of this unit, we will be looking at artwork by Claude Monet - a French artist known for painting in the style called Impressionism


Week 1

This half term, Year 6 pupils will be studying, 'Living things and their habitats' as part of their Science. This week, pupils classified animals as reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds and fish based on their specific characteristics. Here is a piece of work of a fact file about vertebrates. 
