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Bare Trees Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 7:

Year 5 have enjoyed learning all about 'The Alps' in their Geography lessons in Autumn 2. In groups, they produced posters to compare Innsbruck and Chadderton. They also created persuasive travel brochures, highlighting why Innsbruck in Austria is the perfect destination for tourists. The results are below:

Week 6

Still image for this video
This week Year 5 enjoyed performing selected pieces from Gustav Holst's 'The Planets' assisted by musicians from the Halle Orchestra. Please watch the video to see their amazing musical talents.

Week 5


This week, Mr Wild hosted us in the Forest School room to have a very informative discussion about bullying and friendships, as it is Anti-Bullying Week.

Week 4

Year 5 are improving their drawing skills by learning from the works of the great artist, Rembrandt. Pupils have explored how he used light and shadow to create beautiful pictures, inspiring them to add more detail and emotion to their own art work.

Week 3

Year 5 are enjoying music lessons provided by members of the Halle Orchestra! The experience is going to take part over four weeks, with a concert to celebrate the children's talents to complete this amazing opportunity. 

Week 2

In Science,  we were comparing the relative sizes of the Earth, Sun and Moon. Pupils were provided with a range of spherical items and had to decide which would most accurately represent the relative size of each.  After a few attempts, we decided that the sun would be best represented by the large gym ball, the earth would be best represented by a pea and the moon would be best represented by a tiny cake decoration.



Week 1


After our half term week off, Year 5 have come in re-energised and eager to sink their teeth into our Tale of Fear: 'The Nightmare Man'.

Text map of 'The Nightmare Man'
