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Welcome To

Bare Trees Primary School

Spring 2

Week 1

This week, we have introduced our new Topic 'Watch it Grow'. 

We have been looking at the first signs of spring, we have been on a spring walk and noticed daffodils, blue bells and small buds on some trees. 

We have learnt all about the features of a flower. 

In Talk For Writing, we had a visitor on Monday! Someone, or something had eaten all of our fruit and vegetables! Even the teachers sweets! 

We have introduced our new book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and written sentences about what foods we like to eat. 

Week 2 

This week, we have been looking at the features of a plant. 

The children have been on a 'Signs of Spring walk' and they have noticed that buds are emerging on the trees and there are lots of daffodils and blue bells around school. 

The children have also planted their own bean plant, discussing what is vital for the plant to grow. 

In Talk For Writing we have been making our own story map for 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We have been performing the story and making the children have made their own story map and been writing sentences of what the caterpillar ate each day. 

In Maths, we have been learning about 2D shapes. We have learnt the names and properties of the shapes and how to compose and decompose new shapes. 

Week 3 

This week, in Maths we have been looking at 3D shapes. The children have loved learning about how 3D shapes are all around us. We have looked at real life photos and matched them to each shape. 

In Talk For Writing, we have been thinking about how we can adapt our story. We are innovating our story map. The children have spoken about their favourite foods and what they would eat if they were the hungry caterpillar. 

In Topic, we have been looking at life cycles, it has been so exciting having real caterpillars in the classroom. The children are so excited to see them grow their cocoons and become butterflies! 

We have also looked at frogspawn, some children remembered form Nursery that frogspawn will soon turn into frogs. We have kept the frogspawn in our outdoor area and are so excited to see them change into frogs. 

Week 4


On Monday, we celebration 'Aspirations Day' we had some special visitors from the police and dance teachers. The children loved to learn about how the police help us and they learnt some amazing dance moves. 


Week 5 

This week, we have continued our learning with number bonds to 10. We have seen so much progress! 

In English, we have been completing our cold writes in preparation for Summer 1- where we will be completing a recount on our trip to the farm. 

In Topic we have been learning about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The children have come up with lots of ideas on how we can help our planet. Including, picking up litter, turning lights off and always using the correct colour bins. 


Here are some pictures of us enjoying making some Easter chocolate cakes and from our Aspirations day last Monday.
