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Bare Trees Primary School

Autumn 1 - My School and Me

Week 1:

This week in Reception we have enjoyed acting out the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We were challenged to create a bridge to get over the river like in the story. We had fun climbing over our bridge at the end.

Week 2:

This week we have been learning all about the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have text mapped our story and practiced learning the story off by heart. 

Week 3: 

This week we have been looking at our faces and the features of our faces. We have made faces using loose parts.

Week 4:

This week we have been looking at how we have changed over time.

We brought lots of pictures frrom home and shared them with our class friends. 

We then looked at how we looked in the past, how we look now and how we may look in the future.

How I have changed.

Week 5: 

This week we have been exploring how the children have changed from being a baby to now. The children looked at things they needed when they were a baby and what they need now. 

People who help us.

Week 6: We had a special visitor who discussed with the children her role as a nurse. She talked to the children about how she helps people in the hospital and gave the children a special book about being a nurse to add to their library. The children were also able to see a demonstration of how nurses put bandages on and take your temperature. 

Building a bridge.

Week 7: The children worked as a team to build a bridge using different materials. They had to follow some instructions to be able to build their bridge. 
