RWI Phonics lessons
Start off with Speed Sound lessons every day using the link below.
Films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.
- Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
- Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
- Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am
Read The Present and answer the given questions.
Remember to read a text of your choice each day this week.
Which text will you choose? A newspaper, magazine, adventure story or a non-fiction text maybe.
Where will you read your text? In bed, sat comfortable in your favourite seat or in your garden.
Complete one activity mat per day
The Magical Box

Read the text and complete the given challenges

Challenge 1 - Draw the box.
Challenge 2 - Write a list of objects the box may be made from. Don't forget to use commas.
Challenge 3 - Write a description of the box. Don't forget to use adjectives to describe.
27 + 52 =
95 - 57 =
30 divided by 3 =
9 x 5 =
⅔ of 30 =
Complete the addition and subtraction word challenges involving money and giving change.
Challenge 1 - Blue cards
Challenge 2 - Orange cards
Challenge 3 - Green cards

History - Complete your Purple Mash task to interview Christopher Columbus

Use the pictures and information below to help you understand what a food chain is.
Challenge 1 - draw your own food chains from different habitats. E.g. Ocean animals within a food chain or jungle animals within a food chain.
Challenge 2 - Log in to Purple Mash to complete the food chain quiz. Remember to save your work.

Good Morning Year 2! Welcome to the Summer term. Here is a virtual hug from us to you. We miss you all!