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Bare Trees Primary School


RWI Phonics lessons


Start off with Speed Sound lessons every day using the link below.

Films will show at the times below and be available for 24 hours.


  • Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
  • Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
  • Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am



Read the poem 'The Magic Pebble' by Roger McGough and answer the questions below.




Do you like this poem?


Can you find any rhyming words?


Which words or phrases do you like?


Have you ever brought back something special from an outing or holiday?


What was the object? Do you still have it?


Look at all the magical things that the pebble in the poem can do. Which is your favourite of these? 

Why does that one appeal to you the most?





Challenge 1:  Draw and describe our your special/favourite object. Write simple sentences using capital letters, full stops and adjectives.


Challenge 2: Make your special/favourite object magical. Draw and write about what magical things your special object can do. Use capital letters, full stops, adjectives and commas in a list.


Challenge 3: Write about a special outing or holiday that you have been on and the special object/souvenir that you brought back.

Try to use:

  • capital letters and full stops
  • commas in a list
  • exclamation marks and question marks
  • adjectives and adverbs
  • time connectives e.g. first, then, next, later


Starter: Practise your times tables on https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Comparing numbers



                                 Try to remember that the hungry crocodile always eats the larger number.


Challenge 1:


Challenge 2:


Challenge 3:





Design and Technology


Last week we set you the challenge of planning how to make your sandwich and this week we would like you to make your sandwich with the help of an adult. Please send of us a photo of your sandwich to




We look forward to seeing your sensational sandwiches.
