Autumn 1 - All About Me
Our First Days in Nursery
The children in Nursery have been busy settling in. We have been exploring our new environment and learning how to independently select resources and activities that we want to use. Children have been developing their understanding of boundaries and expectations of behaviour in Nursery and developing their sharing and turn taking skills. Children are also starting to play alongside each other and show interest in others play.

Outdoor Learning
As well as exploring inside, the Nursery children have loved exploring our outdoor area. We are always eager to go outdoors in all weathers and they have enjoyed putting their wellies and waterproofs on and taking their learning outdoors.

Our Self-Portraits
We used lots of different materials to make our faces, looking at our eyes, nose, mouth, ears and other facial features. We used mirrors to carefully paint self-portraits to go on our Nursery display.

Our families
The children in Nursery brought in photographs of their family to share with their friends. We all looked at the photographs and talked about who was in our family, then we drew their pictures. We also counted how many people live in our house.

My name is....
The children have been working really hard on becoming more familiar with their names. We have done lots of exciting activities to help us to recognise the letters in our name and to practise saying our names to our new friends in Nursery.