PSHE Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions about RSE Curriculum-
Q: Will my child be taught sex education at primary?
A: We will not be teaching sex education at Bare Trees Primary School.
Relationships Education will provide the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships of all kinds. This will start with family and friends, how to treat each other with kindness, and recognising the difference between online and offline friendships.
Q: Does the new Relationships Education and RSE curriculum take account of my faith?
A: The subjects are designed to help children from all backgrounds build positive and safe relationships, and to thrive in modern Britain.
In all schools, when teaching these subjects, the religious background of pupils must be taken into account when planning teaching, so that topics are appropriately handled. Schools with a religious character can build on the core required content by reflecting on their beliefs in their teaching.
In developing these subjects, we have worked with a number of representative bodies and faith organisations, representing all the major faith groups in England. Several faith organisations produce teaching materials that schools can choose to use.
Q: Do I have a right to withdraw my child from Relationships and Sex Education?
A: There is no right to withdraw from Relationships Education. Furthermore, we believe the contents of these subjects – such as family, friendship, safety (including online safety) – are important for all children to be taught.
Bare Trees Primary School does not teach sex education.
Q: Will my child be taught about LGBT relationships?
A: Pupils will be taught about the society in which they are growing up. These subjects are designed to foster respect and tolerance of others, and differences, and educate pupils about healthy relationships.
Pupils will receive teaching on LGBT content during their school years. Teaching children about the society that they live in and the different types of loving, healthy relationships that exist can be done in a way that respects everyone. Primary schools are strongly encouraged and enabled to cover LGBT content when teaching about different types of families.